We often hear this term thrown around in spiritual communities, but do you understand what it entails and means? Take a deep dive into soul shards and bringing them home, Sadhu Dah is here to bring some deeper learning for those who are curious.
The word shaman, originated from the Tungus Tribe of Siberia, and it means “one who sees in the dark.” Working in the darkness of space and the in-between of dimensions requires sight and tools to navigate. Before modern society, Shamans were held in high regards and considered to be the pillar of their communities. They would bless hunts, lead war calls, pass the spirit of the animal killed in a hunt, and even perform soul retrieval on the warriors returning from battle. They had healing remedies, and knew how to fight just as well as bring healing into their communities.
Soul Retrieval in indigenous culture was employed for warfare, survival, and starvation, it was a means to cope and overcome. The modern equivalent in use today would be for overcoming and coping with trauma. The science of Soul Retrieval predates structured religion, it belongs to no structured creed or code. With individuals who have lost parts of themselves, consciously or unconsciously, “tremendous amounts of their psychic energy” are unconsciously spent looking for the lost and separate parts.
The unconscious mind feels all of it, the subconscious is aware, and sometimes the conscious mind is oblivious, but all suffering has a root and the root is always felt by the soul.
There are many common symptoms of soul loss. Some of the more common ones would be dissociation where a person does not feel fully in his or her body and alive or fully engaged in life. Other symptoms include chronic depression, suicidal tendencies, post-traumatic stress syndrome, immune deficiency problems, and grief that does not heal with time (ghost sickness). Addictions are also a sign of soul loss, because a part of one's self is given to the very substance they become dependent upon and is usually tied to a core trauma that separated that part of themselves from the whole.
During the soul retrieval process, the shaman moves into an altered state of consciousness to travel to realities outside of normal perception (non-ordinary reality), we call these the hidden spirit worlds, and a Shaman will travel to them so that they can retrieve the lost part of the soul. In some cases, there is reluctance or resistance from the soul to return, or the soul may not even know a separation has happened in the first place; while in most cases, the soul does want to return and just doesn't know how to. It's important to note when the “soul returns, it comes back with all the pain it experienced when leaving.
Once the lost soul has been located, the Shaman acknowledges the former pain and gently negotiate the soul’s return to the body. The soul shard has to first be cleaned before integrating back. Think of a time where you had a cut and needed to clean the wound before dressing it, if you hadn't of done that you might have gotten an infection or the healing would have taken much longer as the body fought off the contaminants and tried to normalize. A Shaman will cleanse the soul fragment loosely affiliated to the auric body and remove any parasite attachments that fed on it while it was separated, this also purifies the energies of the shard so when it is reattached the whole integration process is smooth like a puzzle piece fitting together.
Hypnotic Trauma Therapy also known as TMR (Traumatic Memory Resolution), is used to bridge the subconscious to trauma patterns located in various trauma containers on closed or dead synaptic pathways and aims to integrate disassociated personality fragments. This is great, but it is only half of the equation, Shamanic Soul Retrieval goes one layer deeper than this. Soul Retrieval bridges the subconscious to the 4th dimension and pulls the soul fragment into the subconscious disassociated fragment and integrates it on a quantum level into all the cells of the body.
Indigenous methods that Shamans would employ, included drawing the soul shard into a crystal and then integrating it with a ceremony, sometimes herbs would be used to attain specific states of consciousness and rhythmic drumming would be done to aid in the trance state and maintaining it. Taoists would use Fu (rice paper talismans) and drive the shard into a bell, the bell would ring on its own and then the Taoist Priest would pick it up and ring it in front of the person, rejoining the shard to the soul. Shamans leave their bodies and travel into the soul matric to retrieve the shard, the crystal used to house the shard is then placed on the crown, and then the Shaman literally blows on the head 3x's sending the shard back into the body. They would also place their hand on the person's heart chakra and blow 3x's.
The body usually has a reaction once it is rejoined with the shard, this can include psychic phenomena, bodily responses, such as shaking, or a verbal release, and even emotional venting. All of this is normal and encouraged, the body has to express the pain when reality is joined back to the shard, it is all part of the parasympathetic reset.